This is the character design for Best Friends. I'm currently trying to animate the first scene of the cartoon. This was a story I worked on in school last year. Getting better at digital work, and working on a wacom pen.
Horny Old Goat will remain a little secret to me as I work on this cartoon. I did these sketches in my book and then brought them into Photoshop and Illustrator. This is also my first Photoshop work. I'm working digitally now, in hopes of better job hunts.
This scene is of Opus being chased by a cop, it's part of my Opus Redux cartoon. The frame rate is screwed up from the blog upload........ It animates much better than it shows hear in Blogspot......
This is my third Flash learning loop. I was trying to take the animation more serious in this one....... I was really animating the way I like too....... with lot's of movement. Getting more advanced in Flash.